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Mar 7, 2024

Introducing TA’s New VP of Managed Transportation, Mike T.

Introducing TA's New VP of Managed Transportation, Mike T.

We are excited to introduce the newest addition to our leadership team at TA Services – Mike T. Mike will be taking on the role of VP of Managed Transportation, bringing over a decade of invaluable experience in the logistics industry with a substantial focus on managed transportation. His impressive background covers various aspects of logistics, including brokerage and enterprise sales.

Mike also honed his skills in cross-border operations while working with manufacturers, industrial suppliers, and automotive freight — a natural fit with his academic background in industrial and systems engineering. In his new role, Mike will be at the helm of TA’s Managed Transportation department, spearheading efforts to further enhance our scalable service offerings for shippers.

We had the opportunity to sit down with Mike and delve into his background, strategy for TA’s Managed Transportation team, and more.

Q: Can you tell us about your background in the logistics industry? 

A: Most recently, I worked at Uber Freight. I was the first person hired to kick off their second North American headquarters in Dallas, Texas. We started that office from scratch/cold start, so I had an incredible opportunity and gained a lot of experience in that role. Before that, I spent time at different companies, including Echo Logistics and MIQ Logistics.

Throughout my career, I’ve expanded my skillset and gained experience across various channels of the logistics industry, including brokerage, enterprise sales, managed transportation, and cross-border.

Q: How did you first get into the logistics industry? 

A: I started my career as a logistics engineer. In that role, I worked on proposals, worked directly with customers, and spent time on-site at warehouses and strip yards. That hands-on experience evaluating supply chains and loading freight gave me a good feel for how freight moves and how we can generate efficiencies and productivity.

Q: What attracted you to this role at TA? 

A: Many things attracted me to TA, the first being TA’s people-first culture. Additionally, the brokerage and transportation industry has seen an increase in competition over the last several years, and I think TA not only has found its unique marketplace — especially within the industrial verticals and in flatbed services— but it also has a strong track record for being a carrier-focused brokerage. I also think TA’s leadership team is comprised of some of the best in the industry. I was able to walk in not only to a group of peers but also to people whom I look up to and value their input.

Q: What experience will you leverage from past roles when taking on your new role at TA?

TA Services' Indianapolis brokerage office where our managed transportation department is headquartered.
Image of TA Services’ downtown Indianapolis brokerage office where our Managed Transportation department is headquartered.

A: I have had the opportunity to see multiple iterations of managed transportation at almost every company I’ve worked with. I understand the processes, skill sets, and people development needed to run a successful managed transportation program. And because of the duration of my career, I’ve seen how the market works, what the market is looking for, and how we’ve changed the market over the years – specifically the efforts we see with nearshoring and the ability to be carrier agnostic. I’ve witnessed the industry go through tough times like COVID-19, Hurricanes Katrina and Irma, and other natural disasters. All of this has shown me that there is an opportunity through managed transportation to be an advisor during tough times and to provide confidence in shippers, especially during uncertain conditions.

Q: What goals do you have for the managed transportation solution at TA? 

A: The biggest goal is to continue to expand our service offering. Immediately, I noticed that the people were amazing, and a fundamental skillset was already there. My goal is to continue to develop those skills and scale our ability to drive solutions and provide consultative offerings. Some of the things I’m thinking about are how we can become more future-focused and providers in all areas of the supply chain. With that, I want to continue building the TA name and brand in the marketplace.

Q: What are the key opportunities in the current market, and how can TA address those opportunities?

A: In the last five years, we’ve seen a lot of well-funded providers enter the industry with new technology and tools. There are a lot of choices for shippers looking to “fix their transportation”. From TA’s perspective, we can be a partner that is carrier agnostic and open to the industry’s new technology and processes. Our ability to be nimble and flexible while taking a true partnership approach is going to be the thing that helps separate TA from other providers.

Q: What value does TA’s managed transportation solution offer to shippers? 

A: The most important thing is taking the time to understand a shipper’s business. Based on where our solution is today, we can look at understanding their unique business and building processes that allow shippers to be more efficient and do more than they’ve ever done before.

Q: What would you say are the common misconceptions around managed transportation? 

A: The greatest misconception is that you’re losing control in a managed transportation environment. In actuality, managed transportation gives you the requisite skills and skilled players to control, protect, and utilize your supply chain as market advantage while better addressing your business needs.

Q: How do you view and approach collaboration?

A: The ability to collaborate is beyond just checking in or sending an email. Collaboration is being able to drive value at each step. Specifically at TA, those value points are project management, technology systems, execution, understanding of the industry, and our capable people. The things that separate TA are our people and our shipper partners; they both allow us to create that culture of success.

The ability to collaborate is beyond just checking in or sending an email.

Q: What advice do you have for shippers considering partnering with someone for managed transportation?

A: Approach everything with a mindset of collaboration and validation — that could be validating processes or data. Managed transportation isn’t a simple tool that will fix all that ails your supply chain. Managed transportation enables collaboration to ensure everyone in your organization pulls in the same direction and works toward a common goal. I also think many companies are looking for ways to introduce technology and remove human touchpoints, but it’s important to consider the value of some human interactions. Technology can help increase productivity, but the idea of all technology and no people is still far off. It’s important to find the balance, and that’s something TA can help with.

Q: And lastly, on a personal note, tell us a bit about who you are when you’re not at work. 

A: I am incredibly family-focused and lucky enough to have an amazing wife and three children. On a fun note, I live in Texas, and barbecue is a big deal here — it’s very competitive. I can cook the pants off some barbecue. “You gotta risk it for the brisket.” 

We are thrilled to welcome Mike as our new VP of Managed Transportation, positioning TA for growth and innovation. Mike’s unique experience in the logistics industry helps drive the evolution of our services. Together, we look forward to exploring new opportunities to enhance our managed transportation solution and deliver on our commitment to service.

Reach out today to learn more about our managed transportation solution and how TA can help drive your business forward.